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Kan men een hemel klaren even zwart als drek? Historische, psychiatrische en fenomenologisch-antropologische beschouwingen over depressie en melancholie
ISBN: 9044110403 Year: 2000

Mobile Mapping : Space, Cartography and the Digital
ISBN: 9048535212 9462984530 Year: 2020 Publisher: Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press

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This book presents the first in-depth discussion of how specific geographical and historical conditions shape the way in which mobile phone maps are read, deployed, and engaged with in daily life. Using a framework of mobile mapping, this concise study offers a radical analysis of the way local spatial and navigational practices are bound to global systems of knowledge and power. It argues that contemporary mobile mapping is imbued with multiple knowledges, pasts, spaces, and experiences, bringing to the fore complicated and tense relationships within cartographic and spatial assemblages. Working between media studies and geography, Clancy Wilmott underscores the transference of spatial knowledge between rational digital realms and tacit ways of understanding space and experience. Structured around a collection of seventeen interviews conducted while walking in and around Hong Kong and Sydney, Wilmott examines how potent discourses like cartographic reason continue to transform and weave through the world in ways that haunt mobile mapping, often resurrecting old conflicts in new media. In doing so, it offers an interdisciplinary rethinking of the ways in which cartographic media, urban space, and everyday knowledge is conceptualized and researched.

Cultura de los cuidados : revista de enfermería y humanidades
ISSN: 16996003 Year: 1997 Publisher: Alicante, Spain : Universidad de Alicante,

Authors: ---
ISSN: 15481352 Year: 1973 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Berkeley, Calif. : Malden, MA : Society for Psychological Anthropology, University of California Press Published by Wiley-Blackwell for the American Anthropological Association

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Ethos is an interdisciplinary and international quarterly journal devoted to scholarly articles dealing with the interrelationships between the individual and the social milieu, between the psychological disciplines and the social disciplines. The journal publishes work from a wide spectrum of different disciplinary traditions: recent issues, for example, include papers on religion, medical practice, child development, family relationships, and cultural belief systems. Methodological approaches also vary across many traditions including the analysis of language and discourse, narrative analysis, ethnographic interpretations, and empirical research.

Journal of social and evolutionary systems.
ISSN: 18785069 Year: 1992 Publisher: [Greenwich, Conn.] : JAI Press,

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Sociobiology --- Human biology --- Anthropology --- Sociology --- Anthropology. --- Human biology. --- Sociobiology. --- Sociology. --- Évolution (Biologie) --- Sociobiologie. --- Anthropologie. --- Sociologie. --- Développement de la personnalité --- Systems Theory. --- General Systems Theory --- Queuing Theory --- General Systems Theories --- Queuing Theories --- Systems Theories --- Systems Theories, General --- Systems Theory, General --- Theories, General Systems --- Theories, Queuing --- Theories, Systems --- Theory, General Systems --- Theory, Queuing --- Theory, Systems --- Social theory --- Biologism --- Cultural Evolution --- Evolution --- Social Change --- Systems Theory --- Social sciences --- Human evolution --- Psychology, Comparative --- Social evolution --- Biology --- Physical anthropology --- Human beings --- Systems Biology --- Modernization --- Social Development --- Social Impact --- Change, Social --- Changes, Social --- Development, Social --- Developments, Social --- Impact, Social --- Impacts, Social --- Social Changes --- Social Developments --- Social Impacts --- Group Processes --- Evolution, Cultural --- Cultural Evolutions --- Evolutions, Cultural --- Social aspects --- Cultural Evolution. --- Evolution. --- Social Change. --- Social Evolution. --- Biological Evolution --- Biological Evolution. --- Evolution, Social --- Evolution, Biological --- Genetics, Behavioral --- Primitive societies --- Anthropology, Cultural --- Cultural Anthropology --- Material Culture --- Ethnography --- Culture, Material --- Ethnographies --- Material Cultures --- Qualitative Research

Sex, gender, and health
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0521597072 0521592828 0511054351 0511613040 0511155166 Year: 1999 Volume: 11 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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It is widely recognised that men and women in societies all over the world have very different experiences of sickness and health. This collection brings together biological and social anthropologists whose work illustrates how these sub-disciplines have approached the task of explaining such differences. We demonstrate that an understanding of science and culture, using the notions of biological 'sex' and socio-culturally constructed 'gender' are both essential for furthering analyses of men's and women's, boys' and girls' experiences of health and disease. We address the important topics of gender differences in parental care, cardiovascular disease, reproductive health and psychological illness, and look at how the medicalisation of women and their relative absence from models of population health might affect their experiences of preventative health measures. This book will be particularly useful for students on human sciences or anthropology courses, or anyone wishing to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on the subject.

Everyday Religiosity and the Politics of Belonging in Ukraine
ISBN: 1501764969 1501764977 1501764950 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cornell University Press

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"The Maidan protests of 2013-14 and the outbreak of a hybrid war in Eastern Ukraine in 2014 have led to an expansion of informal religious practices in public institutions, public space, and politics in Ukraine"--


Religion. --- Politics and government. --- Church and state. --- Christianity and politics --- Christianity and politics. --- Christianisme et politique --- Église et État --- Church and state --- Orthodox Eastern Church. --- Église orthodoxe --- Histoire --- Orthodox Eastern Church --- History --- Ukraine. --- Ukraine --- Politique et gouvernement --- Politics and government --- Church history --- Religion --- Christianity --- Church and politics --- Politics and Christianity --- Politics and the church --- Political science --- Christianity and state --- Separation of church and state --- State and church --- State, The --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Political aspects --- Law and legislation --- Eastern Orthodox Church --- Greek Church --- Holy Orthodox Eastern Catholic and Apostolic Church --- An Úcráin --- I-Yukreyini --- IYukreyini --- Malorosii︠a︡ --- Małorosja --- Oekraïne --- Ookraan --- Oukraïne --- Oykrania --- Petite-Russie --- U.S.R.R. --- Ucrægna --- Úcráin --- Ucraina --- Ucrania --- Ucrayena --- ʻUkelena --- Ukraïna --- Ukrainæ --- Uḳraʼinah --- Ukrainian Council Socialist Republic --- Ukrainian S.S.R. --- Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic --- Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic --- Ukrainio --- Ukrainmudin Orn --- Ukraïnsʹka Radi︠a︡nsʹka Sot︠s︡ialistychna Respublika --- Ukrainska Radyanska Sotsialistychna Respublika --- Ukrainska Sotsialistychna Radianska Respublika --- Ukraïnsʹka Sot︠s︡ii︠a︡listychna Radi︠a︡nsʹka Respublika --- Ukrainskai︠a︡ Sovetskai︠a︡ Sot︠s︡ialisticheskai︠a︡ Respublika --- Ukrainskaya Sovetskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika --- Ukrainujo --- Ukrajina --- Ūkrāniyā --- Ukranya --- Ukrayiina --- Ukrayina --- Ukrayna --- Ukuraina --- Ukyáña --- Wcráin --- Yn Ookraan --- Yr Wcráin --- Yukrain --- Ουκρανία --- Украинæ --- Украина --- Украинэ --- Украинмудин Орн --- Україна --- אוקראינע --- אוקראינה --- أوكرانيا --- ウクライナ --- 우크라이나 --- Ukraine (Hetmanate : 1648-1782) --- Europe --- Malorosii͡ --- Ukraïnsʹka Radi͡ansʹka Sot͡sialistychna Respublika --- Ukraïnsʹka Sot͡sii͡alistychna Radi͡ansʹka Respublika --- Ukrainskai͡a Sovetskai͡a Sot͡sialisticheskai͡a Respublika --- Ūkrāniy --- church-state relationship, ethnographies of belonging, ukrainian orthodoxy, religion and post-communism, independent orthodox church of ukraine, religious pluralism in ukraine.

Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs : Threatened Reproduction and Identity in the Cameroon Grasslands
ISBN: 0472904256 Year: 1999 Publisher: Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press,

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"Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs examines the symbolic language of food, fertility, and infertility to illuminate the dynamics of social and cultural disintegration in a small, mountainous African kingdom." "In the Cameroon grassfields, an area of high fertility, women hold a paradoxical fear of infertility. By combining symbolic, political-economic, and historical analyses, Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg traces the way reproductive threat is invoked in struggles over gender and ethnic identities." "Plundered Kitchens, Empty Wombs should appeal to a broad audience in medical anthropology, public health, African studies, and women's studies as well as to development planners and population scientists."--Jacket


Fertilite humaine --- Femmes --- Sociale status. --- Voortplanting (biologie) --- Vrouwen. --- Bangangte. --- Population. --- Manners and customs. --- Human reproduction. --- Fertility, Human. --- Ethnology. --- Ethnologie. --- Reproduction humaine --- Fecondite humaine --- Femmes bangangte --- Women --- Anthropology, Cultural --- Infertility, Female --- Human reproduction --- Fertility, Human --- Women, Ngangte --- Sante et hygiene. --- Psychologie. --- Identite ethnique. --- psychology --- ethnology --- Health and hygiene. --- Psychology. --- Ethnic identity. --- Bangangte --- Kamerun --- Africa --- Maham (Cameroun) --- Cameroon --- Bangangte (Kingdom) --- Moeurs et coutumes. --- Social life and customs. --- Ngangte women --- Human fertility --- Natality --- Demography --- Infertility --- Human physiology --- Reproduction --- Reproductive health --- Reproductive rights --- Cultural anthropology --- Ethnography --- Races of man --- Social anthropology --- Anthropology --- Human beings --- Cultural Anthropology --- Material Culture --- Culture, Material --- Ethnographies --- Material Cultures --- Qualitative Research --- Ceremonies --- Customs, Social --- Folkways --- Social customs --- Social life and customs --- Traditions --- Usages --- Civilization --- Ethnology --- Etiquette --- Rites and ceremonies --- Human population --- Human populations --- Population growth --- Populations, Human --- Economics --- Human ecology --- Sociology --- Malthusianism --- Attitude envers les femmes --- Et les femmes --- Femme --- Relations avec les femmes --- Architecture et femmes --- Beauté féminine --- Femmes et diplomatie --- Femmes et ésotérisme --- Femmes et forces armées --- Femmes et guerre --- Femmes et justice --- Femmes et littérature --- Femmes et mafia --- Femmes et mer --- Femmes et musique --- Femmes et paix --- Femmes et politique --- Femmes et religion --- Femmes et technologie --- Femmes et urbanisme --- Homme --- Internet et femmes --- Matriarcat --- Médias et femmes --- Prénoms féminins --- Crimes contre les femmes --- Psychanalyse et femmes --- Travail des femmes --- Vêtements de femme --- Éducation des femmes --- Études sur les femmes --- Féminisme --- Féminité --- Aventurières --- Bienfaitrices --- Ex-prostituées --- Femmes abandonnées --- Femmes âgées --- Femmes artistes --- Femmes ascètes --- Femmes au foyer --- Femmes autochtones --- Femmes automobilistes --- Femmes chamanes --- Femmes coolies --- Brus --- Femmes copistes --- Femmes critiques d'art --- Femmes d'âge moyen --- Femmes dans la vie publique --- Femmes diplômées --- Femmes du monde --- Femmes enceintes --- Femmes esclaves --- Femmes fatales --- Collectionneuses d'art --- Femmes imams --- Femmes mariées --- Femmes mystiques --- Femmes nullipares --- Femmes pédophiles --- Femmes philosophes --- Femmes préhistoriques --- Femmes rabbins --- Femmes seules --- Femmes surdouées --- Consommatrices --- Femmes tondues --- Femmes victimes de violence --- Filles --- Guérisseuses --- Guerrières --- Handicapées --- Héroïnes --- Hôtesses --- Immigrées --- Impératrices --- Criminelles --- Inventrices --- Jeunes femmes --- Joueuses d'échecs --- Lesbiennes --- Malades mentales --- Mères --- Métisses --- Oratrices --- Pionnières --- Pleureuses --- Dames d'honneur --- Prisonnières --- Prostituées --- Publics féminins --- Réfugiées --- Reines --- Reines d'Arles --- Reines de beauté --- Relations entre femmes --- Religieuses --- Soeurs --- Égéries --- Sorcières --- Sportives --- Tantes --- Voyageuses --- Espionnes --- Étrangères --- Femelles --- Fécondité humaine --- Stérilité --- Réserve ovarienne --- esthétique --- Loisirs --- philosophie --- théologie --- Fertilité --- Cameroons --- United Republic of Cameroon --- Republic of Cameron --- République Fédérale du Cameroun --- République du Cameroun --- Federal Republic of Cameroon --- Republic of Cameroon --- République Unie du Cameroun --- République fédérale du Cameroun --- République unie du Cameroun --- Vereinigte Republik Kamerun --- West Cameroon --- Kameruner --- Cameroun --- Southern Cameroons --- 1960 --- -Banganté --- Banganté --- -Social life and customs.

Frankenstein's footsteps
ISBN: 0585362033 9780585362038 0300074174 Year: 1998 Publisher: New Haven Yale University Press

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The "Frankenstein" story speaks of deep fears of biological science. Tracing the history of the development of biological science and how it has been received over two centuries, this work argues that the Frankenstein story governs much of today's debate about the new age of biotechnology. Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein", a tale crafted two centuries ago "to awaken thrilling horror", is a story that speaks to deep fears and desires that lie at the heart of our responses to biological science. Tracing the history of the development of biological science and how it has been received and understood by the public over two centuries, Turney's book argues that the Frankenstein story governs much of today's debate about the onrushing new age of biotechnology. Popular images of biological science have been influenced by Mary Shelley and such literary descendants as H.G. Wells, Jack London, Karel Capek and Aldous Huxley, as well as pulp writers, journalists, essayists, filmmakers and other commentators. This book examines how these images have developed as the growth of experimental methods has created a biology with real power to control and manipulate life. Frankenstein's shadow is long, Turney finds. It has affected the debates over vivisection in Victorian Britain, early 20th-century responses to the widely advertised possibility of laboratory creation of life and controversies about test-tube babies, genetic engineering and cloning. While Frankenstein remains a vehicle for expressing our collective ambivalence about some of the defining technologies of our age, the story may have outlived its usefulness as a frame for interpreting the significance of real, as opposed to fictional, science. Recognizing the need to understand the old stories, Turney calls also for new stories - stories to help with the task of shaping and regulating the unprecedented set of possibilities biological science now offers for fashioning life to suit our own ends.


Science --- Biotechnology --- Genetic engineering --- Science in literature --- Risk Management --- Reproductive Techniques --- Epidemiologic Measurements --- Probability --- Biological Science Disciplines --- Communications Media --- Investigative Techniques --- Social Control, Informal --- Socioeconomic Factors --- History, Modern 1601 --- -War --- Ethics --- Genetic Techniques --- Genome Components --- Occupational Groups --- Art --- Natural Science Disciplines --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- Information Science --- DNA --- Sociology --- Humanities --- Social Sciences --- Technology --- Persons --- Culture --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Technology, Industry, and Agriculture --- Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Mathematical Concepts --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Health Care --- Nucleic Acids --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Statistics as Topic --- Public Health --- Therapeutics --- Disciplines and Occupations --- Anthropology, Cultural --- Named Groups --- Social Problems --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Population Characteristics --- Genome --- Organization and Administration --- Genetic Structures --- Epidemiologic Methods --- Anthropology --- Phenomena and Processes --- Nucleic Acids, Nucleotides, and Nucleosides --- Technology, Industry, Agriculture --- Environment and Public Health --- Health Services Administration --- Health Care Evaluation Mechanisms --- Genetic Phenomena --- Quality of Health Care --- Chemicals and Drugs --- Embryo Research --- Risk Assessment --- Animal Experimentation --- Cloning, Organism --- History, 19th Century --- Risk --- Social Change --- Genes --- Public Opinion --- Genetic Research --- Bioethics --- Knowledge --- Attitude --- Biomedical Technology --- Chromosome Mapping --- Fertilization in Vitro --- DNA, Recombinant --- Social Control, Formal --- Biology --- Human Body --- Eugenics --- History, 20th Century --- Nuclear Warfare --- Reproductive Techniques, Assisted --- Animal Welfare --- History --- Literature --- Internationality --- Medicine in Literature --- Genetic Engineering --- Genetics --- Research --- Mass Media --- Biomedical Research --- Research Personnel --- International Cooperation --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Sciences - General --- Embryo Cell Research --- Embryo Experimentation --- Human Embryo Research --- Cell Research, Embryo --- Embryo Experimentations --- Embryo Research, Human --- Experimentation, Embryo --- Experimentations, Embryo --- Research, Embryo --- Research, Embryo Cell --- Research, Human Embryo --- Embryo, Mammalian --- Human Experimentation --- Ethics, Research --- Stem Cell Research --- Wars --- War --- Armed Conflict --- Conflict, Armed --- Conflicts, Armed --- History of Medicine, Modern --- Medicine, Modern --- Modern History (Medicine) --- Modern Medicine --- History, Modern --- Modern History --- 1601- History, Modern --- History, Modern (Medicine) --- Modern 1601- History --- Factors, Socioeconomic --- High-Income Population --- Land Tenure --- Standard of Living --- Social Inequalities --- Social Inequality --- Factor, Socioeconomic --- High Income Population --- High-Income Populations --- Inequalities, Social --- Inequality, Social --- Living Standard --- Living Standards --- Population, High-Income --- Populations, High-Income --- Socioeconomic Factor --- Tenure, Land --- Economics --- Informal Social Control --- Control, Informal Social --- Controls, Informal Social --- Informal Social Controls --- Social Controls, Informal --- Power, Psychological --- Social Conformity --- Investigative Technics --- Investigative Technic --- Investigative Technique --- Technic, Investigative --- Technics, Investigative --- Technique, Investigative --- Techniques, Investigative --- Treaties --- Foreign Aid --- Aid, Foreign --- Cooperation, International --- Treaty --- Probabilities --- Media, Communications --- Biologic Sciences --- Biological Science --- Science, Biological --- Sciences, Biological --- Biological Sciences --- Life Sciences --- Biologic Science --- Biological Science Discipline --- Discipline, Biological Science --- Disciplines, Biological Science --- Life Science --- Science Discipline, Biological --- Science Disciplines, Biological --- Science, Biologic --- Science, Life --- Sciences, Biologic --- Sciences, Life --- Measurements, Epidemiologic --- Epidemiologic Measurement --- Measurement, Epidemiologic --- Engineering, Genetic --- Intervention, Genetic --- Genetic Intervention --- Genetic Interventions --- Interventions, Genetic --- Cloning, Molecular --- Industrial Microbiology --- Artificial Gene Fusion --- Organisms, Genetically Modified --- Animals, Genetically Modified --- Plants, Genetically Modified --- Literature, Medicine in --- in Literature, Medicine --- Globalization --- International Aspects --- International Perspectives --- International Relations --- Multinational Aspects --- Multinational Perspectives --- Aspect, International --- Aspect, Multinational --- Aspects, International --- Aspects, Multinational --- International Aspect --- International Perspective --- Multinational Aspect --- Multinational Perspective --- Perspective, International --- Perspective, Multinational --- Perspectives, International --- Perspectives, Multinational --- Relations, International --- International Law --- Pharmacy Audit --- Quality of Care --- Quality of Healthcare --- Audit, Pharmacy --- Care Quality --- Health Care Quality --- Healthcare Quality --- Pharmacy Audits --- Genetic Concepts --- Genetic Phenomenon --- Genetic Process --- Genetic Processes --- Concept, Genetic --- Concepts, Genetic --- Genetic Concept --- Phenomena, Genetic --- Phenomenon, Genetic --- Process, Genetic --- Processes, Genetic --- Molecular Biology --- Healthcare Evaluation Mechanisms --- Evaluation Mechanism, Healthcare --- Evaluation Mechanisms, Healthcare --- Healthcare Evaluation Mechanism --- Mechanism, Healthcare Evaluation --- Mechanisms, Healthcare Evaluation --- Therapy --- Treatment --- Therapeutic --- Therapies --- Treatments --- Disease --- Community Health --- Environment, Preventive Medicine & Public Health --- Environment, Preventive Medicine and Public Health --- Health, Community --- Health, Public --- Preventive Medicine --- Education, Public Health Professional --- Area Analysis --- Estimation Technics --- Estimation Techniques --- Indirect Estimation Technics --- Indirect Estimation Techniques --- Multiple Classification Analysis --- Service Statistics --- Statistical Study --- Statistics, Service --- Tables and Charts as Topic --- Analyses, Area --- Analyses, Multiple Classification --- Area Analyses --- Classification Analyses, Multiple --- Classification Analysis, Multiple --- Estimation Technic, Indirect --- Estimation Technics, Indirect --- Estimation Technique --- Estimation Technique, Indirect --- Estimation Techniques, Indirect --- Indirect Estimation Technic --- Indirect Estimation Technique --- Multiple Classification Analyses --- Statistical Studies --- Studies, Statistical --- Study, Statistical --- Technic, Indirect Estimation --- Technics, Estimation --- Technics, Indirect Estimation --- Technique, Estimation --- Technique, Indirect Estimation --- Techniques, Estimation --- Techniques, Indirect Estimation --- Biotechnologies --- Body Parts --- Body Parts and Fluids --- Body, Human --- Human Figure --- Bodies, Human --- Figure, Human --- Figures, Human --- Human Bodies --- Human Figures --- Parts, Body --- Regulation --- Social Control --- Control, Social --- Controls, Social --- Formal Social Control --- Formal Social Controls --- Regulations --- Social Controls --- Public Policy --- Reproduction Technics --- Reproduction Techniques --- Reproductive Technologies --- Technology, Reproductive --- Reproductive Technology --- Reproduction Technic --- Reproduction Technique --- Reproductive Technique --- Technic, Reproduction --- Technics, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproduction --- Technique, Reproductive --- Techniques, Reproduction --- Techniques, Reproductive --- Technologies, Reproductive --- Selective Breeding --- Reproductive Medicine --- Reproductive Health Services --- Hospital Incident Reportings --- Incident Reporting --- Incident Reportings, Hospital --- Management, Risks --- Reporting, Hospital Incident --- Reportings, Hospital Risk --- Voluntary Patient Safety Event Reporting --- Hospital Incident Reporting --- Incident Reporting, Hospital --- Hospital Risk Reporting --- Hospital Risk Reportings --- Incident Reportings --- Management, Risk --- Reporting, Hospital Risk --- Reporting, Incident --- Reportings, Hospital Incident --- Reportings, Incident --- Risk Reporting, Hospital --- Risk Reportings, Hospital --- Risks Management --- Truth Disclosure --- Investigator, Clinical --- Investigators --- Investigators, Clinical --- Survey Personnel --- Clinical Investigator --- Clinical Investigators --- Researchers --- Investigator --- Personnel, Research --- Personnel, Survey --- Researcher --- Sciences --- Administration, Health Services --- Health Services --- Science and society --- Sociology of science --- Natural science --- Natural sciences --- Science of science --- Recombinant DNA Research --- Recombination Joint --- Genes, Spliced --- Recombinant DNA --- DNA Research, Recombinant --- Joint, Recombination --- Research, Recombinant DNA --- Spliced Genes --- DNA Transposable Elements --- Genetic Vectors --- Genomic Library --- Gene Library --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Insemination, Artificial --- Literatures --- Genome Mapping --- Gene Mapping --- Linkage Mapping --- Chromosome Mappings --- Gene Mappings --- Genome Mappings --- Linkage Mappings --- Mapping, Chromosome --- Mapping, Gene --- Mapping, Genome --- Mapping, Linkage --- Mappings, Chromosome --- Mappings, Gene --- Mappings, Genome --- Mappings, Linkage --- Cytogenetics --- Genetic Markers --- Cytogenetic Analysis --- Gene Order --- Synteny --- Biomedical Technologies --- Technology, Biomedical --- Technology, Health --- Technology, Health Care --- Health Care Technology --- Health Technology --- Biomedical Engineering --- Medical Informatics --- Attitudes --- Opinions --- Opinion --- Intention --- Epistemology --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- Research, Genetic --- Experimental Medicine --- Investigational Medicine --- Investigative Medicine --- Research, Biomedical --- Research, Medical --- Medical Research --- Medicine, Experimental --- Medicine, Investigational --- Medicine, Investigative --- Animals, Laboratory --- Epidemiologic Method --- Epidemiological Methods --- Methods, Epidemiologic --- Epidemiological Method --- Method, Epidemiologic --- Method, Epidemiological --- Methods, Epidemiological --- Epidemiology --- Genetic Structure --- Structure, Genetic --- Structures, Genetic --- Administration and Organization --- Administrative Technics --- Administrative Techniques --- Coordination, Administrative --- Logistics --- Supervision --- Technics, Administrative --- Techniques, Administrative --- Administration --- Administrative Coordination --- Administrative Technic --- Administrative Technique --- Technic, Administrative --- Technique, Administrative --- Nucleic Acid --- Acid, Nucleic --- Acids, Nucleic --- Community-Based Distribution --- Contraceptive Distribution --- Delivery of Healthcare --- Dental Care Delivery --- Distribution, Non-Clinical --- Distribution, Nonclinical --- Distributional Activities --- Healthcare --- Healthcare Delivery --- Healthcare Systems --- Non-Clinical Distribution --- Nonclinical Distribution --- Delivery of Dental Care --- Health Care Delivery --- Health Care Systems --- Activities, Distributional --- Activity, Distributional --- Care, Health --- Community Based Distribution --- Community-Based Distributions --- Contraceptive Distributions --- Deliveries, Healthcare --- Delivery, Dental Care --- Delivery, Health Care --- Delivery, Healthcare --- Distribution, Community-Based --- Distribution, Contraceptive --- Distribution, Non Clinical --- Distributional Activity --- Distributions, Community-Based --- Distributions, Contraceptive --- Distributions, Non-Clinical --- Distributions, Nonclinical --- Health Care System --- Healthcare Deliveries --- Healthcare System --- Non Clinical Distribution --- Non-Clinical Distributions --- Nonclinical Distributions --- System, Health Care --- System, Healthcare --- Systems, Health Care --- Systems, Healthcare --- Concept, Mathematical --- Concepts, Mathematical --- Mathematical Concept --- Healthcare Quality, Access, and Evaluation --- Aspects, Historical --- Historical Aspects --- Aspect, Historical --- Historical Aspect --- Histories --- Animal Cruelty --- Cruelty, Animal --- Welfare, Animal --- Vivisection --- Animal Use Alternatives --- Euthanasia, Animal --- Behavior And Behavior Mechanism --- Beliefs --- Cultural Background --- Cultural Relativism --- Customs --- Background, Cultural --- Backgrounds, Cultural --- Belief --- Cultural Backgrounds --- Cultural Relativisms --- Cultures --- Relativism, Cultural --- Relativisms, Cultural --- Person --- Arts, Industrial --- Industrial Arts --- Cloud Computing --- Science, Social --- Sciences, Social --- Social Science --- General Social Development and Population --- ds-DNA --- DNA, Double-Stranded --- Deoxyribonucleic Acid --- DNA, Double Stranded --- Double-Stranded DNA --- ds DNA --- Biopolymers --- Broadcast Media --- Folk Media --- Printed Media --- Media, Broadcast --- Media, Folk --- Media, Mass --- Media, Printed --- Laboratory Research --- Research Activities --- Research and Development --- Research Priorities --- Activities, Research --- Activity, Research --- Development and Research --- Priorities, Research --- Priority, Research --- Research Activity --- Research Priority --- Research, Laboratory --- Assisted Reproductive Technics --- Assisted Reproductive Techniques --- Reproductive Technology, Assisted --- Assisted Reproductive Technic --- Assisted Reproductive Technique --- Assisted Reproductive Technologies --- Assisted Reproductive Technology --- Reproductive Technic, Assisted --- Reproductive Technics, Assisted --- Reproductive Technique, Assisted --- Reproductive Technologies, Assisted --- Technic, Assisted Reproductive --- Technics, Assisted Reproductive --- Technique, Assisted Reproductive --- Techniques, Assisted Reproductive --- Technologies, Assisted Reproductive --- Technology, Assisted Reproductive --- Atomic Warfare --- Warfare, Atomic --- Warfare, Nuclear --- Radiation --- 20th Cent. History (Medicine) --- 20th Cent. History of Medicine --- 20th Cent. Medicine --- Historical Events, 20th Century --- History of Medicine, 20th Cent. --- History, Twentieth Century --- Medical History, 20th Cent. --- Medicine, 20th Cent. --- 20th Century History --- 20th Cent. Histories (Medicine) --- 20th Century Histories --- Cent. Histories, 20th (Medicine) --- Cent. History, 20th (Medicine) --- Century Histories, 20th --- Century Histories, Twentieth --- Century History, 20th --- Century History, Twentieth --- Histories, 20th Cent. (Medicine) --- Histories, 20th Century --- Histories, Twentieth Century --- History, 20th Cent. (Medicine) --- Twentieth Century Histories --- Twentieth Century History --- Negative Eugenics --- Positive Eugenics --- Eugenics, Negative --- Eugenics, Positive --- Genetic Counseling --- Genetics, Medical --- Genomes --- Proteome --- Population Heterogeneity --- Population Statistics --- Characteristic, Population --- Characteristics, Population --- Heterogeneity, Population --- Population Characteristic --- Statistics, Population --- Interest Groups --- Pro-Choice Groups --- Public Opinion Polls --- Group, Interest --- Group, Pro-Choice --- Groups, Interest --- Groups, Pro-Choice --- Interest Group --- Opinion Poll, Public --- Opinion Polls, Public --- Opinion, Public --- Poll, Public Opinion --- Polls, Public Opinion --- Pro Choice Groups --- Pro-Choice Group --- Public Opinion Poll --- Cistron --- Gene --- Genetic Materials --- Cistrons --- Genetic Material --- Material, Genetic --- Materials, Genetic --- Modernization --- Social Development --- Social Impact --- Change, Social --- Changes, Social --- Development, Social --- Developments, Social --- Impact, Social --- Impacts, Social --- Social Changes --- Social Developments --- Social Impacts --- Group Processes --- Relative Risk --- Relative Risks --- Risk, Relative --- Risks --- Risks, Relative --- Incidence --- Risk Reduction Behavior --- Harm Reduction --- 19th Cent. History (Medicine) --- 19th Cent. History of Medicine --- 19th Cent. Medicine --- Historical Events, 19th Century --- History of Medicine, 19th Cent. --- History, Nineteenth Century --- Medical History, 19th Cent. --- Medicine, 19th Cent. --- 19th Century History --- 19th Cent. Histories (Medicine) --- 19th Century Histories --- Cent. Histories, 19th (Medicine) --- Cent. History, 19th (Medicine) --- Century Histories, 19th --- Century Histories, Nineteenth --- Century History, 19th --- Century History, Nineteenth --- Histories, 19th Cent. (Medicine) --- Histories, 19th Century --- Histories, Nineteenth Century --- History, 19th Cent. (Medicine) --- Nineteenth Century Histories --- Nineteenth Century History --- Cloning --- Cloning, Embryo --- Cloning, Human --- Embryo Cloning --- Human Cloning --- Clonings, Embryo --- Clonings, Human --- Clonings, Organism --- Embryo Clonings --- Human Clonings --- Organism Cloning --- Organism Clonings --- Reproduction, Asexual --- Nuclear Transfer Techniques --- Animal Experimental Use --- Animal Experiments --- Animal Research --- Animal Experiment --- Animal Experimental Uses --- Experiment, Animal --- Experimental Use, Animal --- Experimental Uses, Animal --- Experimentation, Animal --- Experiments, Animal --- Research, Animal --- Models, Animal --- Bioethical Issues --- Information Sciences --- Science, Information --- Sciences, Information --- Healthcare Economics and Organizations --- Health Care Economics --- Health Economics --- Healthcare Economics --- Care Economic, Health --- Economic, Health --- Economic, Health Care --- Economic, Healthcare --- Economics, Health Care --- Health Care Economic --- Health Economic --- Healthcare Economic --- Health Risk Assessment --- Risks and Benefits --- Assessment, Risk --- Benefit-Risk Assessment --- Risk Analysis --- Risk-Benefit Assessment --- Analysis, Risk --- Assessment, Benefit-Risk --- Assessment, Health Risk --- Assessment, Risk-Benefit --- Benefit Risk Assessment --- Benefit-Risk Assessments --- Benefits and Risks --- Health Risk Assessments --- Risk Analyses --- Risk Assessment, Health --- Risk Assessments --- Risk Benefit Assessment --- Risk-Benefit Assessments --- Natural Sciences --- Physical Sciences --- Discipline, Natural Science --- Disciplines, Natural Science --- Natural Science --- Natural Science Discipline --- Physical Science --- Science, Natural --- Science, Physical --- Sciences, Natural --- Sciences, Physical --- Arts --- Group, Occupational --- Groups, Occupational --- Occupational Group --- Employee --- Employees --- Personnel --- Worker --- Workers --- Occupations --- Labor Exploitation --- Social Exploitation --- Exploitation, Labor --- Exploitation, Social --- Exploitations, Labor --- Problem, Social --- Problems, Social --- Social Problem --- Cultural Anthropology --- Material Culture --- Ethnography --- Culture, Material --- Ethnographies --- Material Cultures --- Qualitative Research --- Component, Genome --- Components, Genome --- Genome Component --- Genetic Technic --- Genetic Technics --- Genetic Technique --- Technic, Genetic --- Technics, Genetic --- Technique, Genetic --- Techniques, Genetic --- Egoism --- Ethical Issues --- Metaethics --- Moral Policy --- Natural Law --- Situational Ethics --- Ethical Issue --- Ethics, Situational --- Issue, Ethical --- Issues, Ethical --- Law, Natural --- Laws, Natural --- Moral Policies --- Natural Laws --- Policies, Moral --- Policy, Moral --- Censorship, Research --- Social aspects --- Public opinion --- therapy --- organization & administration --- methods --- biotechnologie --- #GBIB:CBMER --- Medicine in Literature. --- Public Opinion. --- Science. --- Biotechnology. --- Human Genome Project.

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